Appearance and character

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Theme. Appearance and character
School: Special school 2
Date: 18. 10. 2018
Teachers name:Vorona M. A
CLASS: 6 b
Number present: 9
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

6. 3. 7. 1- use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary in context to describe people.

5. W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

Assessment criteria

oo Identify details in a reading passage with little support
oo Write short sentences on familiar topics

Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:
- name adjectives, which describe the appearance of people;
- write sentences and words, describing people;

Most learners will be able to:
- describe people using the active vocabulary;
- write a short sentences about persons appearance

1. Start. Organizational moment.

2. The theme and the objectives of the lesson

3. Summarising the knowledge

5. The pause.

. 6. The main part . Practice

7. Reflexion. .

8. Out come. Home work

Learners show their readiness to the lesson
-Good morning! Glad to see you dear pupils! Today we have an unusual lesson. We have many guests today.
. To begin with, please, answer the questions:
How are you today? What season is it now? What month is it now? What is your hobb

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