Animals world in Kazakhstan

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Grade / сынып 7
Date / күні: 26. 01. 2017
The theme/ тақырыбы: Animals world in Kazakhstan.
Aim/мақсаты: To teach about environment and to train in speaking, reading; to enrich the students vocabulary, to apprehend the problems of ecology and to think of ways how we should help; to bring up love to the nature, love to our country.
Methods of teaching/әдіс-тәсілдер:
Results/нәтижесі: Improve their knowledge about the animals, learn new words on the theme, practice its use in the speech and speak correctly. Learn give feedback in groups and individually, widen their vocabulary through doing different tasks; develop their skills in oral speech and develop their writing, reading and speaking abilities, improve their mental and critical thinking.
I. Ұйымдастыру
T: Good afternoon, children!
P: Good afternoon, teacher!
T: Im glad to see you! How are you today?
P: We are fine, thank you.
T: Who is absent?
P:All are present
T:What date is it today?
P: Today is the 26th of January.
T:What is the day today ?
P:Today is the Wednesday.
T: What is the weather like today?
II. Warm up/Сергіту сәті

III. Үй жұмысын тексеру
Формативті бағалау:
T: Very good! So, children, lets answers my questions.
T:1) Do you like flowers?
T: 2) Do you plant flowers?
T: 3) Do you water them?
T: What is your favorite flower?

T: Good job! And now, look at the active board.

You must remember!

P: Yes, I do.
P: Yes, I plant flowers.
P: Yes, I water them.
P1: My favorite flower is rose.
P2: My favorite flower is poppy.

IV. Presentation/ Жаңа білім
Lets begin our lesson. Today well speak about animals. Listen and be at

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