Англоговорящие страны: Великобритания и США

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We will visit Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, the British Museum.
A: And what about Buckingham Palace?
B: Of course! We will see Buckingham Palace and the Changing of the Guard! It is really fantastic!
The second dialogue is about English traditions. Match the questions with the answers to make up the dialogue.
A: Hello! I havent seen you for ages!B: It is right. The Englishmen
are stay-at- home people.
A: Was it a business trip?B: Yes they are. Tea is the
national drink of British.
A: Ive heard the Englishmen are tea-drinkers. B: Yes, it was a business trip.
But I could do a lot of Sightseeing there and learnt much about English traditions.
A: Ive heard the English sayingB: Hi! Ive just returned from
The Englishmens home is his castle". London!
A: Hello! I havent seen you for ages!
B: Hi! Ive just returned from London!
A: Was it a business trip?
B: Yes, it was a business trip. But I could do a lot of Sightseeing there and learnt much about English traditions.
A: Ive heard the Englishmen are tea-drinkers.
B: Yes they are. Tea is thenational drink of British.
A: Ive heard the English saying the Englishmens home is his castle".
B: It is right. The Englishmenare stay-at- home people.
The fifth tour. (пятыйтур)
Now you will see some sentences about the USA in Russian and your task is to find their English equivalents in the text.
The United States of America
The United States of America is the 4thlargest country in the world after Russia, Canada and China. It lies in the central part of the North American Continent between the two oceans: the Atlantic Ocean in the East and the Pacific Ocean in the West.
Canada in the North

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