Америка и ее символы

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and try to read the poem after me. Who wants to read the poem yourself? (слайдстихотворение)
Take a bus or take a train,
Take a boat or take a plane,
Take a taxi, take a car,
Maybe near or maybe far,
Take a rocket to the moon,
But be sure to come back soon.

I like your reading very much!
5. Повторение изученного лексического материала
Now look at this task. Fill in the missing words. You can use your students book. (слайдкарточки)
Plne, trvel, trin, seasde, fl, txi, lggage
Lets check up. Change the cards in the pair and correct the mistake. Look at the slide please.
6. Основная часть урока
As our topic is Symbols of America lets learn about these symbols. You have some envelops at your desks. Take them and do the puzzle. This puzzle will help you to learn about the symbols.
7. Чтение текста о символах
What can you see on these pictures? Yes, they are symbols of America. Who can name them? What do you know about them? Lets read about these symbols. You have some little information about every symbol. (мозайкатекст)
The American flag is often called "The Stars and Stripes". It represents the growth of the nation.
The eagle became the national emblem of the country in 1782. You can see the eagle on the back of a dollar bill.
The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of American democracy. It is one of the first things people see when they arrive in New York by sea.
The United States dollar is the official currency of the United States. It is divided into 100 smaller cent units.
The United States Capitol is the home of the United States Congress. It is the seat of the United State government.

You are right. Well done.
8. Физминутка
Now lets have a rest.

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