Тақырыбы: Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan.
Тема: Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan.
Сабақтың мақсаты:
Цель занятия: 1. Practice students in using new Speech patterns in speech. 2. Educational-to acquaint students with a new vocabulary and expressions on a theme:Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan. 3. to encourage the students to speak on this theme using new vocabulary.
Негізгі ұғымдар:
Основные понятия: Lexical minimum of the theme: Educational-to acquaint students with a new vocabulary and expressions on a theme:Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan.
Сабақтың әдістемелік жағынан қамтамасыз етілуі:
Методическое обеспечение: Sets of cards, additional literature, posters, Grammar Reference, etc.
Сабақтың типі:
Тип занятия: New lesson
Сабақтың әдіс-тәсілдері:
Методы и приемы: Activisation of lexics on the theme educational-to acquaint students with a new vocabulary and expressions on a theme:Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan with using of different methods (group discussions; research reading; task oriented games; etc. ). Control of students knowledge of new grammar material .
Сабақ жоспары:
План занятия:
I. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі
Организационный момент. T: Good morning, dear students! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?
II. Студенттердiң білімдерін тексеру
Проверка знаний студентов. Explain new theme. Teacher gives new actions in English, Russian.
III. Жаңа материалды оқыту
Изучение нового материала.
Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan.
Almaty was the capital of Kazakhstan from 1929 to 1997. Now it is a big commercial and cultural center of the country. It is also the most developed and the largest c
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