Abai is a great Kazakh poet

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Abai is a great Kazakh poet

8 form
Jussupova C. A.
The aim: to enrich pupils knowledge about a great Kazakh poet -
Abai Kunanbaev, his life, his works;
to develop their reading, speaking , thinking skills;
to educate pupils to express their opinions, practice using
new words ;
to bring up pupils to respect and be proud of Abai
Kunanbaev and his great creative works.
The type of the lesson: combinative
Visual aids: Flipcharts, diagrams, interactive board , slides

The procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment.
A) Greeting.
B) Checking up the attendance

II. Phonetic drill : world, masterpiece, settlement , strict, to be proud of,
warm-hearted, religious,
III. Introducing with the theme and aims of the lesson.
III. First of all I want you to listen to the song " Zhelsiz tunde
zharyk ay" by Abai with English translation and lyrics (video)

Ill give you some information about Abai, than youll read the
text about him from the book and be ready to discuss.
IV. Answer the questions:
1. What is Abai Kunanbaev famous for?
2. When and where was he born?
3. Who were his parents?
4. Who acquainted him with tales and legends of Kazakh people?
5. When did Abai go to school and what did he learnt there?
6. What impressions did the Russian writers make on him?
7. What poems written by Abai do you know?
8. What makes Abai so very much popular with people all over the world?
IV. Y ou must complete the table:

I knew
I Want to know
I Have learnt

V. Show slides about Abai, his children.

VI. Draw a diagram: <

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