A Language Marathon

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Ход мероприятия
I. Организационный момент
— Good morning , boys and girls! I am glad to see you.
— How are you , children? Учитель приветствует детей и сообщает детям цель игры. Учащиеся делятся на 3 команды по 6 человек в каждой команде.
— Today well have a language marathon. You will divide into three teams. There will be 6 pupils in each team. Each team will get a route paper and then youll have to pass all the stations of our competition.
The quickest and the cleverest team will be our winner.
So , lets begin our competition.
II Игра по станциям:
Station 1 «Страноведческая»
Station 2 «Tongue-twisters»
Station 3 « Complete the Dialogue»
Station 4 Words
Station 5. Think and choose»
Station 6 Countries
Station 7 . Use of English.
Station 8. 5 Themes
Station 1
1. The United Kingdom includes …
A. England and Scotland
B. Great Britain and Northern Ireland
C. England, Scotland and Wales
D. Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic
2. The currency of the UK is …
A. pound 100 cents
B. dollar 100 cents
C. pound 100 nickels
D. pound 100 pence
3. The national emblem of Northern Ireland is the …
A. shamrock
B. rose
C. thistle
D. daffodil
4. What do the abbreviations a. m. and p. m. stand for?
A. Members of Parliament
B. Time
C. Members of Congress
D. Time and Tense
5. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?
A. July 4
B. December 25
C. February 14
D. October 31
6. The UK …
A. a constitutional republic
B. a presidential republic
C. a federal republic
D. a constitutional monarchy
7. The NBA is …
A. The National Birdwatchers Associations
B. The Nationa

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