A Glance at British Spring Holidays

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A Glance at British Spring Holidays
Pupil 1: Good afternoon! Today we are going to present you some of the British spring holidays and traditions closely connected with them.
Pupil 2: Wed like to start with a very colourful holiday - St. Patricks Day. Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe St. Patricks Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green.
And we invite you to dance with us.
(an Irish dance) (слайды 1-11)

Pupil 1: Pancake Day ( also known as Shrove Tuesday) is the last day before the period which Christians call Lent. It is traditional on this day to eat pancakes. On Pancake Day, "pancake races" are held in villages and towns across the United Kingdom. This year we decided to organize such race at our school. We had a lot of fun and got precious experience. (слайды 12-18)

Pupil 2: Then Mothers Day comes. Children pay tribute to their mothers and thank them for all their love and support. Mothering Sunday is a time when children pay respect to their Mothers. Children often give their Mothers a gift and a card.
And this is our gift to all the mothers.
( a song) Maher Zain - Number One For Me (Love you mom)
I was a foolish little child
Crazy things I used to do
And all the pain I put you through
Mama now Im here for you
For all the times I made you cry
The days I told you lies
Now its time for you to rise
For all the things you sacrificed
Oh, if I could turn back time rewind
If I could make it undone
I swear that I would
I would make it up to you


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