Профилактика правонарушений на уроке английского языка - конспект для урока

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Профилактика правонарушений на уроке английского языка (на примере урока в 9 классе)

Цель: формирование и развитие навыков и умений в области говорения.


Образовательные: Активизация тематической лексики в устной речи учащихся.

  • Развивающие:
  • Развитие нравственно-эмоциональной сферы личности.
  • Развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.
  • Развитие познавательной активности.
  • Развитие умений и навыков учащихся аргументированно выражать личное отношение к проблеме, предлагая пути решения.
  • Развитие навыков школьного самоуправления.


  • Воспитание потребности в здоровом образе жизни.
  • Воспитание умения группового взаимодействия.

Формы проведения: интерактивная беседа, ролевая игра.

Ход урока

The talk with the pupil on duty.
Phonetic drills

(by W. Shakespeare)

Crabbed age and youth cannot live together, 
Youth is full of pleasure, age Is full of care;
Youth like summer morn; age like winter weather; 
Youth like summer brave –, age like winter bare; 
Youth is full of sport; age's breath Is short; 
Youth Is hot and bold; age is weak and cold; 
Youth is wild and age is tame;
Age, 1 do abhor thee!
Youth, I do adore thee!
Oh, my Love, my Love is young!

T: Dear boys and girls, all of you I think like speaking English. To know what we will speak about today let's see the presentation.

And now try to guess what the theme of our lesson is.
Yes, you are right. We'll speak about teens' problems. 
You are teenagers. What are teens like?
Give you associations with this word. Each association should begin with one of the letters of the given word.

T – tense, trying, trusting, talkative, tired
E – energetic, eager, egotistical
E – exhausting, easily bored, entertaining
N – nervous, needy, naughty, noisy, negative
A – active, aggressive, autonomous, appreciative
G – groaning, grinning, growing up, grim/great
E – ever-questioning, eager to….
R – raucous, reactive, realistic, rational
S – sensitive, shy, self-conscious

Good for you. You know about teenagers. To know much more let's listen to the text about them. And now, please, name the interrogative words and I'll write them on the blackboard.





Teens' problems








T: I want you all to join the discussion. During the discussion we'll try to answer the questions given above. While discussing the teens' problems you may use the words from the presentation I am going to give you.

What do young people worry about? Using the information from the text and your own knowledge name teens' problems you worry about.

Pupils name the problems and the teacher shows the presentation.

What do young people worry about? (Ex. 3(5), p. 117)

1 – family problems
2 – personal problems
3 – school problems
4 – discrimination
5 – violence

6 – aggressiveness
7 – poverty
8 – cruelty
9 – drinking problems
10-drug addiction

Problems: serious, important, awful, urgent, shocking; difficult to solve, interesting to discuss, useless to speak about

Pupils answer such questions as:

What do you parents allow you?
What do you parents forbid you?
What do you parents make you do?
Is there understanding or misunderstanding between you and your parents?
Are you satisfied with your lifestyle?
Do you want to change something in your life?
Do you study well?
Do you have problems with your classmates?
Is there understanding with your teachers?
Do you meet aggressiveness, violence and cruelty while watching TV?
Do you think drinking problems, drug addiction take place among teens?
How do you find these problems?

T: Thank you. That's nice of you. I want you to continue discussion. The next question to discuss is:
Where do teens meet problems?

– in the family 
– at school
– in the street
– in the bus
– etc

T: Yes you are right. You may meet the problem everywhere.

You are late at school – a problem.
You get a bad mark – a problem.
You have no money to go to the cinema – a problem.

T: Please, read the next question.

Why do teens have problems?
There are the key words. Do please.

– are treated badly
– are not taken seriously
– the changes of our society
– parents’ indifference
– misunderstanding
– mass media

P1: On the one hand, our society agrees that 15-17 – year – old people are old enough to be responsible for what they do and give them quite a lot of freedom and rights. On the other hand, most adults think that teenagers are too young to be taken seriously. This misunderstanding produces many problems.

P2: A lot of teenagers say that their parents let them do anything they want and are quite indifferent to their problems. Many teenagers get upset or depressed when they can't solve their problems.

P3: Aggressiveness, violence and cruelty come from the TV screen and from the pages of newspapers and are becoming a fact of peoples everyday life.

T: Good for you. But who can help teens?

– teenagers themselves
– parents 
– teachers
– specialists
– government

T: The next question is:
How to solve the problems?

P1: As for drinking problems, teenagers associate them with adulthood curiosity. I think we need more information about the danger of alcohol provided by mass media.

P2: Some parents don’t pay much attention to their children, they don’t warn them the danger of regular drinking. To my mind school teachers and parents can help.

P3: As for me I believe that we should build special hospitals for the treatment dependent teens.

P4: Adults can help teenagers to overcome difficulties if the pay more attention to teens problems.

T: Well, you have discussed some teen’s problems. And certainly Id like to hear your own points of view upon the problem: what do they want? You may use the words and expressions that help you to express you opinion.

– to be independent – быть независимым
– to be taken seriously – относиться серьезно
– to do well at school – хорошо успевать в школе
– to be treated with respect – быть уважаемым
– to have the guaranteed rights to education, work and rest – иметь гарантированные права на образование, труд и отдых
– to have a chance to express one's own individuality – иметь возможность выражать свою собственную индивидуальность
– to try to change the world to the best – пытаться изменить мир к лучшему
– to rebel against the society восстать против общества
– to reject everything – отвергать всё
– to enjoy life наслаждаться жизнью
– to earn enough money – заработать достаточно денег
– to make one's own mistakes and try to overcome all the life problems oneself – совершать свои собственные ошибки и пытаться преодолеть все жизненные проблемы самому
– to want the adults to be tolerant and patient – хотеть, чтобы взрослые были терпимыми и терпеливыми
– to try to help in solving each others' problems – пытаться помочь в решении проблем друг друга
– to make oneself useful in life – приносить пользу в жизни

P1: It seems to me that all of teens want to be independent. They want to be taken seriously. Most of them want to enjoy life. Teenagers often want to express their individuality and earn money. Most of the young want to be useful in life and try to help in solving each others problems. They are doing well at school and they want to have guaranteed rights to education well-paid work and rest. Many teenagers want to change the world to the best.

T: Boys and girls, we have spoken much about teenager’s problems and ambitions. And now lets try to learn how to cope with some of teens problems. For todays lesson you have prepared role-play “Teen Court”. Are you ready? Do please.

Teen Court. Role play.

Senior Judge: I have to open our Teen Court and introduce the plaintiffs, the defendants and the judges. Here they are.

The Judge: You see I am a judge and I would like to explain the judges' duties. And today we are to discuss the rule that has been broken. We should listen both to the plaintiffs and the defendants attentively in order to make a fair decision.

Senior Judge: OK. So it's time to ask the plaintiffs to explain their complaint. Who is going to be the first to start? The Court is sure to discuss the problem and make a fair decision. Do, please.

Plaintiff 1: I am a teacher, Your Honour, and certainly I know that I have to explain our complaint. It's really so that I have caught these students smoking in the classroom. But smoking isn't allowed anywhere as it affects people's health. I told the students to stop doing it but they paid no attention td my words and went on smoking.

Plaintiff 2: Your Honour, may I add some words? Yes, we had to complain to the Teen Court and we are ready to answer your questions. Besides we are ready to discuss the case in the most constructive way as we are sure that the Court will make a fair decision.

Plaintiff 3: We understand, Your Honour, that the most important thing for us is that we all have to convince the defendants how harmful for teenagers' health smoking is.

Senior Judge: I see. Your complaint is clear. And I must now ask the defendants to respond to your complaint. Who will start? You, please.

Defendant 1: We know, Your Honour, that we have to respond to the complaint. We don't deny that we have been caught smoking in our classroom. Certainly we know that smoking isn't allowed anywhere in school. Our teachers asked us to stop smoking but we refused and continued.

Defendant 2: As for me I'd like to add a few words too. Yes, our teachers complained to the Teen Court but I disagree to the complaint because all adults and some of our friends smoke. Our parents are aware of that and do nothing.

Senior Judge: I see. And I ask the judges to come out with their questions.

Judge: Is that really true mat you have been caught smoking? I can't believe.

Defendant 2: No, you aren't mistaken.

Judge: When were you caught smoking?

Defendant 1: This morning, you know.

Judge: Who were you caught smoking with?

Defendant 1: With Andrey my classmate.

Judge: Do you know that smoking is forbidden?

Defendant 2: Of course, I do.

Judge: Could you imagine that the teachers would complain to the Teen Court?

Defendant 2: I suppose I couldn't.

Judge: Do you agree to the complaint?

Defendant 2:I don't I am afraid.

Senior Judge: Well, I suppose everyone understands the case. I want the teachers and parents present take an active part in the discussion and try to explain our defendants how harmful their behavior is.

Teacher 1: Dear students, do you know that smoking is not allowed in school?

Teacher 2: Do you know that smoking causes a lot of various diseases?

Defendant 1: We are aware of all this.

Teacher 3: What diseases does smoking cause?

Defendant 2: They are different. Smoking for example makes people's teeth yellow and it causes a cough and a headache.

Defendant 1: Besides smoking makes people's hair and clothes smell.

Teacher 1: Don't you realize that these bad habits are rather harmful for teenagers' health?

Defendant 1: Certainly we understand all this well enough.

Teacher 1: What lifestyle would you like to keep?

Defendant 2: A healthy lifestyle of course.

Teacher 2: Do you know that you must give up smoking if you want to be strong and healthy?

Defendant 1: We must give up smoking as we also want to be strong and healthy.

Defendant 2: I share this opinion.

Senior Judge: As for me I believe that the defendants have understood already that they were wrong. But now I must ask them for their final word. Do, please.

Defendant 1: I really agree now to the complaint. It was the discussjon in the Court that made me realize how harmful for people's health smoking is. So I'll do my best to give up smoking.

Defendant 2: The same about me. I can't but share this opinion and certainly I also promise not to smoke any more.

Senior Judge: I ask the judges for their final decision. Will you announce it?

Judge: No doubt the defendants are really guilty. And if they go on smoking in the classrooms they must leave our school of course.

Senior Judge: I must announce the final decision of the Court. I am deeply convinced we have had a very important and useful discussion. The problem concerning people's health touched upon during the discussion is really too serious. But I am very glad that the discussion in the Teen Court made our defendants realize at last how harmful smoking and other people's bad habits for teenager's health are. So I'd like to express my hope that no one in our class, the defendants among them, will smoke again. And now I declare the Teen Court closed. [1.]

Teacher: Yes, boys and girls, I am sure of course that our Teen Court was very useful. I advise you never to smoke, never to drink alcohol, never to take drugs but take care of your health. Be healthy and wealthy!

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